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Accessibility is hard, but we can do better

Recently I made the trek to New York City to attend SmashingConf. A recurring theme this year was accessibility, and for good reason. The Domino’s Pizza case has been trending in the Front End Dev community for a while now, and I’ve been preoccupied with accessibility as of late as well, due to circumstances surrounding my current place of employment (I think this would be a good time to state that my opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer, blah, blah, blah).

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The Feedback Loop

Getting feedback fast is one of the most important things in development. What do I mean about feedback?

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React Presentational and Container Components Using Context and Hooks

Updated: I’ve updated the code to export a named function, not an anonymous arrow function. When I first started using React, I learned about Presentational and Container Components from Dan Abramov. This pattern prescribed splitting UI into smart (container) components that encapsulated state and logic, and dumb (presentational) components that simply presented data in a styled manner. In general, the containers were class components that managed state and lifecycle methods, whereas presentational components were stateless function components.

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Free Online Web Design and Development Books

One of my favorite pastimes is reading. When I started out as a developer, I would read anything I could get my hands on. And, since I was cheap, I tried to find as many free books as I could. What follows is a list that I’ve accumulated over the past few years of fantastic, completely free material that has helped me grow as a developer.

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Where to start your development career

Becoming a career developer can be challenging at times. With a ton of material out of the internet, it can be difficult to know where to start. And even if you know where to start, it can be difficult to stay motivated.

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